What is CBWN Connects?CBWN Connects’, Mastermind Value Statement: Join a team of trusted peers to connect, share, learn, set goals...
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Connected Business Women Network has contributed 10 entries to our website, so far.
What is CBWN Connects?CBWN Connects’, Mastermind Value Statement: Join a team of trusted peers to connect, share, learn, set goals...
People often attend networking events thinking that they are going to get business. But Networking is an ART, it is...
Here are some ideas about networking for you to consider: 1. Start networking before you need sales. By networking when...
THERE IS FREE LUNCH!!! When you refer a new guest, and they attend a luncheon or dinner, you will be...
Networking Ice Breakers: Do you ever show up to an event and find yourself stuck for something to say or...
Networking Goals: When planning on attending a networking event have you thought about setting some personal goals? Today’s goal is...
As we know, women have worked hard to take gender out of the equation—to be recognized equally for their skills...
CBWN will be the subject of a feature article about “Women in Business” in conjunction with the Institute of Chartered...
The Calgary Business Women Network been invited to be involved as a panelist in a discussion concerning entrepreneurship as a...
We are very happy to share some exciting news with you! CBWN has been featured in the Calgary Herald for...
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